New Year's Message from the President
Dear Brethren, friends, one and all:
Glory and honor to the King of kings and Lord of lords who is the Master of our lives. We are thankful to the Lord for safely landing us in this year, 2011. Many of us lived the past year not knowing what the next day had for us, but believing in the God that had it in His hands.
As many of us look back at the stormy waves, the Rocky Mountains, the raging tempest, the cloudy roads, or the trials we encountered during 2010, we can now gladly sing, “He leaded me,” “And He walks with me and He talks with me and tells me that I am His own.” Yes the paraphrased chorus of Hymn 607 reminds us that there will be sunshine, what a blessed sunshine it will be, when this peaceful year 2011 with all its happy moments roll into our lives, and we can end the year singing: “Trust and obey” or “Tis’ so sweet to trust in Jesus”.
On behalf of NALAA National Leadership, the Board Members, our Pastors, and Chapter Presidents, we want to wish you a happy New Year and pray that the Lord be gracious unto you and your family.
We want to encourage you to get involved with us as we strive to help the Liberia Mission spread the Adventist message in Liberia. We thank those of you who are doing so especially those former Missionaries who continue to show their love for Liberia by their continuous support for NALAA. May the Lord bless you.
Please be reminded that the plan to raise $100,000.00 begins this year and we need you to be a part of this fundraiser by playing one or more of the following roles:
1. Plan to contribute as charity begins at home.
2. Get others to contribute or donate. We cannot do this alone. We need the involvement of our families, friends, workmates, and Church-mates. NALAA is a 501C, tax-exempt/ nonprofit organization.
3. Change your electricity provider to Viridian Energy and Viridian Energy will automatically give NALAA $2.00 per month for the length of the time you are a customer. More info is available at
4. Help plan a fundraising program in your Church, State or Community. We will work with you or sponsor it.
5. Share with us your fundraising ideas and work with us to implement it.
May the Lord lead you this year and every decision that you make. Let Psalm 37 guide you al l the time.
Yours in Christ,
Bro. John T. Flomo
Glory and honor to the King of kings and Lord of lords who is the Master of our lives. We are thankful to the Lord for safely landing us in this year, 2011. Many of us lived the past year not knowing what the next day had for us, but believing in the God that had it in His hands.
As many of us look back at the stormy waves, the Rocky Mountains, the raging tempest, the cloudy roads, or the trials we encountered during 2010, we can now gladly sing, “He leaded me,” “And He walks with me and He talks with me and tells me that I am His own.” Yes the paraphrased chorus of Hymn 607 reminds us that there will be sunshine, what a blessed sunshine it will be, when this peaceful year 2011 with all its happy moments roll into our lives, and we can end the year singing: “Trust and obey” or “Tis’ so sweet to trust in Jesus”.
On behalf of NALAA National Leadership, the Board Members, our Pastors, and Chapter Presidents, we want to wish you a happy New Year and pray that the Lord be gracious unto you and your family.
We want to encourage you to get involved with us as we strive to help the Liberia Mission spread the Adventist message in Liberia. We thank those of you who are doing so especially those former Missionaries who continue to show their love for Liberia by their continuous support for NALAA. May the Lord bless you.
Please be reminded that the plan to raise $100,000.00 begins this year and we need you to be a part of this fundraiser by playing one or more of the following roles:
1. Plan to contribute as charity begins at home.
2. Get others to contribute or donate. We cannot do this alone. We need the involvement of our families, friends, workmates, and Church-mates. NALAA is a 501C, tax-exempt/ nonprofit organization.
3. Change your electricity provider to Viridian Energy and Viridian Energy will automatically give NALAA $2.00 per month for the length of the time you are a customer. More info is available at
4. Help plan a fundraising program in your Church, State or Community. We will work with you or sponsor it.
5. Share with us your fundraising ideas and work with us to implement it.
May the Lord lead you this year and every decision that you make. Let Psalm 37 guide you al l the time.
Yours in Christ,
Bro. John T. Flomo